Special Chars in a Linux Shell

Linux Special characters in a shell (@, , €, ~) Introduction Let’s explore the usage of special characters in a shell environment, specifically focusing on Linux and macOS systems. These special characters, such as “@”, “”, “€”, “~”, and “|”, can be particularly useful when working with commands and scripts. Here we go right alt + Q = @ right alt + ß = right alt + ^ = | right alt + e = € right alt + n = ~...

Python environment

Setup an python environment in vscode Introduction In this article, we’ll explore a step-by-step guide on how to swiftly set up a Python environment in Visual Studio Code (VS Code). Whether you’re a Python beginner or a seasoned developer, having an efficient and organized development environment is crucial for productive coding sessions. We’ll start by creating a new environment using the Python virtual environment module. By isolating our project dependencies, we ensure a clean and controlled environment....

Getting your own external IP via curl

How to get own external IP via terminal (curl) This command even provides some additional interesting information: curl ipinfo.io If you prefer the “Way of the Browser”: https://whatismyipaddress.com/

Publish a website on github pages

Publish a website or a blog on github pages Introduction: Are you looking to share your website with the world? GitHub Pages provides an easy and free way to publish your static website directly from your GitHub repository. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of publishing your website on GitHub Pages, allowing you to showcase your work and make it accessible to a global audience. Step 1: Create a Repository: Start by creating a new repository on GitHub....

Azure CLI - activate azure cli autocomplete in zsh

How to enable azure cli autocomplete in macos zsh shell 1. Install azure cli brew update && brew install azure-cli All dependencies will be instaled automatically. The Homebrew formula of Azure CLI installs a completion file named az in the Homebrew-managed completions directory (default location is /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/). To enable completion, follow Homebrew’s instructions here: https://docs.brew.sh/Shell-Completion. For Zsh, add the following two lines to the bottom of your .zshrc file, then save and reload your Zsh profile:...