SSO to AWS via CLI or SDK

Login to AWS with SSO instead of Credentials File Setup AWS IAM Follow the steps described in: Create a IAM user After completing the steps described in the documentation above, you should have An IAM user An assigned SSO role to that user A Start URL for your SSO Login page On your local profile you should find under “~/.aws/config” a section looking like this: [profile <profile-name>] sso_session = <username> sso_account_id = <some-id> sso_role_name = <selected role, e....

AWS AI and ML Services Overview

Overview about actual AI and ML Services on Amazon AWS (September 2023) Service Description Amazon SageMaker A managed machine learning (ML) service that helps data scientists and developers build, train, deploy, and manage ML models. Amazon Rekognition An image and video analysis service that provides facial recognition, object detection, scene detection, and image classification capabilities. Amazon Comprehend A natural language processing (NLP) service that provides text analysis, sentiment analysis, entity extraction, and topic modeling capabilities....

AWS multiple accounts profiles with cli/terraform

AWS multiple accounts/profiles If you’re working with multiple AWS accounts or environments, using named profiles with the AWS CLI can be very handy. Named profiles are configurations of AWS access keys, secret keys, and default regions. Here’s how you can set up and use multiple profiles: Setting Up Multiple Profiles You can add profiles directly to your AWS configuration file (~/.aws/config) and your credentials file (~/.aws/credentials). Here’s an example for ~/....